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Admissions Process

Secondary School Transfer - Year Seven

The Governing Body is the admission authority for the school. Boys will be admitted at the age of 11 without reference to ability or aptitude, in keeping with our Catholic and Comprehensive education principles. The number of intended admissions for September 2025 is 180 which is our Published Admission Number (PAN).

As a Catholic school, we aim to provide a Catholic education for all our pupils. Catholic doctrine and practice permeates every aspect of the school’s activities. It is essential that the Catholic character of the school’s education is fully supported by the families of the pupils in the school. All applicants are therefore expected to give their full, unreserved and positive support for the aims and ethos of the school.

Places will be awarded primarily to applicants who are baptised Catholics.

Applications must be supported by:

  • Copy of Proof of residential address where the applicant lives for more than 50% of the school week, in the form of a Council Tax bill or the Electoral Roll within the last 12 months.
  • Applicants should note the criteria for over subscription and so should support their application (where applicable) with the following:
    • A Baptismal Certificate in the Catholic Faith (Criteria 1-5 inclusive).
    • A current Certificate of Catholic Practice signed by the family’s parish priest or by the priest of the parish in which the family normally worship, and issued within the last six months (Criteria 2-4 inclusive)

Applications for September 2025 will re-open on 1st September 2024.

Applications for In-Year Admissions

Applications for in-Year admissions are made directly to the school.

If a place is available and there is no waiting list, then the school will inform parents whether or not a place is to be offered. If more applications are received than there are places available, then applications will be ranked by the governing body in accordance with the oversubscription criteria.  If a place cannot be offered at this time, then you may ask for the reasons and you will be informed of your right to appeal. You will be offered the opportunity of being placed on a waiting list. The waiting list will be maintained by the governing body in the order of the oversubscription criteria and not in the order in which the applications are received. Names are removed from the list at the end of each academic year. When a place becomes available the governing body will re-rank the list and the school will inform parents of an offer of a place.

Applications should be made directly to the Headteacher by completing the Pupil Information Form and the In-year Supplementary Form available by clicking the links and at the foot of the page. Applicants are required to fulfil the entry requirements above and will be subject to the same over subscription criteria.

Admissions Policy

The school operates a clear and transparent admissions policy in keeping with our statutory responsibilities. This is published in full below.

For further clarification on how to apply or to request hard copies of any documents, please contact us by phone or email.

Admissions PolicyPupil Information FormIn-Year Supplementary Form

Sixth Form Admissions