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Dress Code

At Finchley Catholic, we believe that success begins with a strong foundation of professionalism, and that is why we have chosen to implement a business dress code for our Sixth Form students.

We want to ensure our students are well-prepared for the world of work, and dressing appropriately is a vital part of that preparation.

Our business dress code encourages students to look smart and present themselves in a manner that reflects the standards of a professional working environment. By adhering to this code, our Sixth Formers not only enhance their own self-presentation but also contribute to a positive and respectful learning atmosphere for everyone.

Wearing business attire reinforces the importance of academic and personal development during this crucial stage of education. It sets a standard of seriousness and responsibility, helping students focus on their studies and long-term goals. While we trust our students to uphold this dress code, our Sixth Form staff will provide guidance and ensure it is adhered to. Dress code infringements will be addressed to help students understand and meet the guidelines. In the rare event of a serious or repeated dress code violation, students will be asked to return home to change.

We believe that our business dress code is an essential element in helping our Sixth Form students achieve their best, look smarter, and prepare for the future with confidence and professionalism. Please find below details of the dress code for our Sixth Form students.

Sixth Form Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Code - Uniform Policy - Further Details