School Development Fund

As a Voluntary Aided (VA) school, Finchley Catholic High School relies on the support of parents and carers through financial contributions to enhance our facilities and site.

Government regulations mandate VA schools to raise a minimum of 10% of capital costs for any work, and in practice, we often bear the entire expense.

Voluntary contributions play a crucial role in sustaining the school's ability to provide high-quality facilities for our students. To facilitate this, the School Development Fund has been established, and we invite parents and carers to participate by contributing either through a one-off payment or a standing order.

Annually, we seek donations for the School Development Fund, and we extend our gratitude to families who have generously contributed this academic year. For those who have not yet contributed, the forms are available and contributions can be made via Wisepay, standing order or online transfer.

Gift Aid

All UK taxpayers have the opportunity to gift aid their donations. For every £1 you donate, we can claim 25p from the Inland Revenue.

The current condition of our school stands as a testament to the generosity of past generations of parents and carers. We kindly request your support in donating and completing a Gift Aid form. For any inquiries, please contact our finance department at Your contribution makes a meaningful impact on the continued growth and improvement of our school

Gift Aid Form